Monday, March 26, 2012


fresh milk from Monologue (gonna post about this resto soon)

MILK. is everyone's favorite among all ages, from babies, toddlers even for the folks. With its richness of calcium and vitamins, it gives us 'special' energy to tune up your days.
I have been drinking a cup or a box of milk everyday, to seize up my hectic routines and as my breakfast. Somehow, you can 'edit' the ordinary white milk into something special.
here are some tips for you ;)

1. At midnight, when you are unable to have some sleep, go to the fridge and take out a cup of milk. Heat it up in a pan or in a microwave, for 2 to 3 minutes. Any milk would do, but a cup of fresh white milk is good for ur health, and neutralize your body.

2. Drink a cup of hot chocolate milk and combined it with marshmallow of your own choices. The sweetness from marshmallow will boost up your mood, especially when you have been so fatique after hardwork or been trapped in a traffic jam (that's one of my usual routines n_n)

I seldom to drink a cup of hot milk at night, but I have tried it before, and it tastes kinda special for me. Well, everything will taste good when you are hungry, isn't it?

This is my way to enjoy a cup of fresh milk, how about you ?

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